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Intelligence Studies

Studies in Intelligence 67, No. 2 (Extracts, June 2023)

Unclassified articles and reviews from Studies in Intelligence 67, No. 2 (June 2023)


Becoming a Learning Organization: Reflections on the Study of Intelligence by Peter S. Usowski, Ph.D.

Historical Perspectives

Intelligence and Congress: The Story Behind the Unprecedented Open Testimony on Soviet Strategic Forces by Christopher A. Williams

Intelligence Today and Tomorrow

An Enduring Debate—US Intelligence: Profession, Community, or Enterprise? by Bowman H. Miller

Commentary and Response: Transformational Learning Theory and Alternatives to Obstacles in the Development of Intelligence Professionals by Steven G. Shenouda, Ph.D., et al. followed by response from Dr. Julie Mendosa, Ph.D.

From the Archive

A Basic Tension: Openess and Secrecy by David D. Gries

Intelligence in Public Media

The Declassification Engine: What History Reveals About America’s Top Secrets
Reviewed by Travis D. Stolz

Communicating with Intelligence: Writing and Briefing for National Security (3rd edition) Reviewed by Michael J. Ard

Hacker, Influencer, Faker, Spy: Intelligence Agencies in the Digital Age Reviewed by Graham Alexander

Assignment China: An Oral History of American Journalists in the People’s Republic Reviewed by Stephen C. Mercado

A Question of Standing: The History of the CIA
Reviewed by Brent Geary

Hitler’s Nest of Vipers: The Rise of the Abwehr
Reviewed by Graham Alexander

Intelligence Officer’s Bookshelf—June 2023,
Compiled and reviewed by Hayden Peake

Download PDF of complete issue.


Article Contributors

David Gries was a director of the Center for the Study of Intelligence and chair of the Studies Editorial Board when he retired in 1994. Before then he served in a variety of senior positions in CIA.

Bowman Miller is a member of the faculty of the National Intelligence University and former State INR officer.

Peter Usowski is a former director of the Center for the Study of Intelligence and past chair of the Studies Editorial Board. He retired from those positions early this year.

Christopher Williams is an IC Associate on the National Intelligence Council. He previously served in senior positions in the executive and legislative branches of the US government.


Graham Alexander is the pen name of a CIA operations officer and regular contributor.

Michael Ard is a former CIA officer and a professor at Johns Hopkins University, where he directs the master’s of science in intelligence analysis program.

Brent Geary is a member of CIA’s History Staff.

Stephen Mercado is a retired Open Source Enterprise officer.

Hayden Peake served in CIA’s Directorates of Operations and Science and Technology. He has contributed to the Intelligence Officer’s Bookshelf since 2002.

Travis D. Stolz is an analyst in the CIA’s Directorate of Analysis who has experience in the classification review process.