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Field Listing

Agricultural products

233 Results

This entry provides a list of a country's most important agricultural products, listed by annual tonnage.


wheat, milk, watermelons, grapes, potatoes, cantaloupes/melons, vegetables, rice, onions, apples (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


milk, maize, tomatoes, potatoes, watermelons, wheat, grapes, olives, cucumbers/gherkins, onions (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


potatoes, wheat, milk, watermelons, onions, tomatoes, barley, vegetables, dates, oranges (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage

American Samoa

bananas, coconuts, vegetables, taro, breadfruit, yams, copra, pineapples, papayas; dairy products, livestock


small quantities of rye, wheat, barley, oats, vegetables, tobacco, sheep, cattle


cassava, bananas, maize, sweet potatoes, sugarcane, pineapples, tomatoes, onions, potatoes, citrus fruits (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


small quantities of tobacco, vegetables; cattle raising

Antigua and Barbuda

tropical fruits, milk, mangoes/guavas, eggs, lemons/limes, pumpkins/squash, vegetables, sweet potatoes, cassava, yams (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


maize, soybeans, wheat, sugarcane, milk, barley, sunflower seeds, beef, sorghum, chicken (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


milk, potatoes, grapes, tomatoes, vegetables, wheat, watermelons, apricots, apples, barley (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


aloes; livestock; fish


wheat, sugarcane, barley, milk, rapeseed, cotton, sorghum, beef, oats, chicken (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


milk, sugar beets, maize, wheat, barley, potatoes, pork, grapes, triticale, apples (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


milk, wheat, potatoes, barley, tomatoes, watermelons, cotton, apples, onions, maize (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage

Bahamas, The

sugarcane, grapefruits, vegetables, bananas, tomatoes, chicken, tropical fruits, oranges, coconuts, mangoes/guavas (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


lamb/mutton, dates, milk, chicken, tomatoes, fruits, sheep offal, eggs, sheepskins, cucumbers/gherkins (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


rice, milk, potatoes, maize, sugarcane, onions, vegetables, jute, mangoes/guavas, tropical fruits (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


sugarcane, chicken, vegetables, milk, eggs, sweet potatoes, pork, coconuts, cantaloupes/melons, tropical fruits (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


milk, sugar beets, potatoes, wheat, triticale, barley, maize, rapeseed, rye, apples (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


sugar beets, milk, potatoes, wheat, pork, lettuce, maize, chicken, barley, pears (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


sugarcane, maize, bananas, oranges, soybeans, sorghum, chicken, rice, beans, milk (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


cassava, yams, maize, oil palm fruit, cotton, rice, pineapples, soybeans, tomatoes, vegetables (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


bananas, vegetables, citrus, flowers; dairy products, honey


milk, rice, root vegetables, potatoes, maize, oranges, areca nuts, chilies/peppers, pumpkins/squash, bison milk (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


sugarcane, soybeans, potatoes, maize, rice, sorghum, milk, chicken, plantains, wheat (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage

Bosnia and Herzegovina

maize, milk, vegetables, potatoes, plums, wheat, apples, barley, chicken, pears (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


milk, root vegetables, vegetables, maize, sorghum, beef, game meat, watermelons, cabbages, goat milk (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


sugarcane, soybeans, maize, milk, cassava, oranges, chicken, rice, beef, wheat (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage

British Virgin Islands

fruits, vegetables; livestock, poultry; fish


chicken, eggs, fruits, rice, vegetables, beans, bananas, beef, pineapples, cucumbers/gherkins (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


wheat, maize, sunflower seeds, milk, barley, rapeseed, potatoes, grapes, tomatoes, chicken (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage

Burkina Faso

sorghum, maize, fruits, vegetables, millet, cowpeas, cotton, groundnuts, sugarcane, rice (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


rice, sugarcane, vegetables, beans, maize, groundnuts, fruits, plantains, coconuts, onions (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


cassava, bananas, sweet potatoes, vegetables, beans, potatoes, maize, sugarcane, fruits, rice (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage

Cabo Verde

sugarcane, tomatoes, coconuts, pulses, goat milk, vegetables, bananas, milk, cabbages, potatoes (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


cassava, rice, maize, sugarcane, vegetables, oil palm fruit, rubber, bananas, jute, pork (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


cassava, plantains, oil palm fruit, maize, taro, tomatoes, sorghum, sugarcane, bananas, vegetables (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


wheat, rapeseed, maize, barley, milk, soybeans, potatoes, oats, peas, lentils (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage

Cayman Islands

vegetables, fruit; livestock; turtle farming

Central African Republic

cassava, groundnuts, yams, coffee, maize, sesame seeds, bananas, taro, sugarcane, beef (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


sorghum, groundnuts, millet, cereals, beef, sugarcane, yams, maize, cassava, milk (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


grapes, milk, apples, wheat, potatoes, chicken, tomatoes, sugar beets, maize, oats (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


maize, rice, vegetables, wheat, sugarcane, potatoes, cucumbers/gherkins, tomatoes, watermelons, pork (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage

Cocos (Keeling) Islands

vegetables, bananas, pawpaws, coconuts


sugarcane, oil palm fruit, milk, rice, potatoes, bananas, plantains, maize, chicken, avocados (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


coconuts, bananas, cassava, yams, maize, taro, milk, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, pulses (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage

Congo, Democratic Republic of the

cassava, plantains, sugarcane, oil palm fruit, maize, rice, root vegetables, bananas, sweet potatoes, groundnuts (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage

Congo, Republic of the

cassava, sugarcane, oil palm fruit, bananas, plantains, root vegetables, game meat, vegetables, mangoes/guavas, fruits (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage

Cook Islands

coconuts, vegetables, papayas, pork, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, fruits, mangoes/guavas, watermelons, eggs (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage

Costa Rica

sugarcane, pineapples, bananas, milk, oil palm fruit, fruits, oranges, chicken, cassava, rice (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage

Cote d'Ivoire

yams, cassava, oil palm fruit, cocoa beans, sugarcane, plantains, rice, rubber, maize, cashews (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


maize, wheat, maize, sugar beets, milk, barley, soybeans, sunflower seeds, grapes, pork (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


sugarcane, cassava, plantains, vegetables, mangoes/guavas, milk, pumpkins/squash, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, bananas (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


aloe, sorghum, peanuts, vegetables, tropical fruit


milk, potatoes, sheep milk, pork, goat milk, wheat, chicken, barley, grapes, olives (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


wheat, sugar beets, milk, barley, rapeseed, potatoes, maize, pork, triticale, oats (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


milk, wheat, barley, potatoes, sugar beets, pork, rapeseed, rye, oats, chicken (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


vegetables, beans, milk, beef, camel milk, lemons/limes, goat meat, lamb/mutton, tomatoes, beef offal (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


taro, grapefruits, yams, bananas, plantains, coconuts, milk, yautia, oranges, sugarcane (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage

Dominican Republic

sugarcane, bananas, papayas, plantains, rice, milk, avocados, watermelons, vegetables, pineapples (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


sugarcane, bananas, oil palm fruit, milk, maize, rice, plantains, chicken, cocoa beans, pineapples (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


sugarcane, sugar beets, wheat, maize, tomatoes, potatoes, rice, milk, onions, oranges (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage

El Salvador

sugarcane, maize, milk, chicken, beans, sorghum, coconuts, oranges, eggs, yautia (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage

Equatorial Guinea

sweet potatoes, cassava, plantains, oil palm fruit, root vegetables, bananas, coconuts, coffee, cocoa beans, chicken (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


sorghum, milk, barley, vegetables, root vegetables, cereals, pulses, millet, wheat, beef (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


wheat, milk, barley, rapeseed, oats, peas, potatoes, rye, pork, beans (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


sugarcane, maize, root vegetables, grapefruits, oranges, milk, pineapples, bananas, beef, potatoes (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


maize, wheat, cereals, sorghum, milk, barley, taro, potatoes, millet, beans (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage

European Union

milk, wheat, sugar beets, maize, barley, potatoes, grapes, pork, rapeseed, tomatoes (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage for all EU member states

Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)

fodder and vegetable crops; venison, sheep, dairy products; fish, squid

Faroe Islands

milk, potatoes, lamb/mutton, sheepskins, sheep offal, beef, sheep fat, beef offal, cattle hides, beef suet (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


sugarcane, cassava, taro, chicken, vegetables, coconuts, ginger, rice, milk, sweet potatoes (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


milk, barley, oats, wheat, potatoes, sugar beets, pork, chicken, peas, beef (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


wheat, sugar beets, milk, barley, maize, potatoes, grapes, rapeseed, pork, sunflower seeds (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage

French Polynesia

coconuts, fruits, root vegetables, pineapples, eggs, cassava, sugarcane, tropical fruits, watermelons, tomatoes (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


plantains, cassava, sugarcane, yams, taro, vegetables, maize, groundnuts, game meat, rubber (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage

Gambia, The

groundnuts, milk, rice, millet, oil palm fruit, maize, vegetables, cassava, fruits, sorghum (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage

Gaza Strip

tomatoes, milk, cucumbers/gherkins, olives, potatoes, sheep milk, eggplants, pumpkins/squash, grapes, chicken (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


milk, grapes, potatoes, wheat, maize, apples, watermelons, barley, tangerines/mandarins, tomatoes (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


milk, sugar beets, wheat, barley, potatoes, pork, rapeseed, maize, rye, triticale (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


cassava, yams, plantains, maize, oil palm fruit, taro, rice, cocoa beans, oranges, pineapples (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


maize, wheat, sheep milk, peaches/nectarines, oranges, grapes, tomatoes, milk, watermelons, potatoes (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


sheep, cattle, reindeer, fish, shellfish


coconuts, sugarcane, eggs, bananas, vegetables, fruits, plantains, root vegetables, grapefruits, avocados (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


fruits, copra, vegetables; eggs, pork, poultry, beef


sugarcane, bananas, oil palm fruit, maize, cantaloupes/melons, potatoes, milk, tomatoes, chicken, pineapples (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


tomatoes, greenhouse flowers, sweet peppers, eggplant, fruit; Guernsey cattle


cassava, rice, groundnuts, oil palm fruit, maize, fonio, plantains, potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


rice, groundnuts, cashews, root vegetables, oil palm fruit, plantains, cassava, vegetables, sweet potatoes, coconuts (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


sugarcane, rice, plantains, papayas, cassava, pumpkins/squash, chicken, milk, eggplants, ginger (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


sugarcane, cassava, mangoes/guavas, plantains, bananas, maize, avocados, tropical fruits, rice, vegetables (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


sugarcane, oil palm fruit, milk, maize, bananas, coffee, cantaloupes/melons, chicken, oranges, beans (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage

Hong Kong

pork, chicken, spinach, vegetables, game meat, pork offal, fruits, onions, lettuce, pork fat (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


wheat, maize, milk, barley, sunflower seeds, rapeseed, sugar beets, pork, grapes, apples (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


milk, chicken, barley, lamb/mutton, potatoes, pork, beef, eggs, other meats, cucumbers/gherkins (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


sugarcane, rice, milk, wheat, bison milk, potatoes, vegetables, bananas, maize, onions (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


oil palm fruit, rice, sugarcane, maize, coconuts, cassava, bananas, eggs, mangoes/guavas, chicken (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


wheat, sugarcane, milk, sugar beets, tomatoes, barley, potatoes, vegetables, oranges, chicken (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


wheat, dates, tomatoes, maize, watermelons, grapes, potatoes, milk, cucumbers/gherkins, eggplants (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


milk, barley, wheat, beef, potatoes, pork, oats, chicken, rapeseed, lamb/mutton (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage

Isle of Man

cereals, vegetables; cattle, sheep, pigs, poultry


milk, chicken, potatoes, tomatoes, avocados, bananas, grapefruits, eggs, tangerines/mandarins, carrots/turnips (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


milk, grapes, wheat, tomatoes, maize, apples, olives, oranges, potatoes, pork (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


sugarcane, yams, goat milk, chicken, coconuts, oranges, bananas, pumpkins/squash, plantains, sweet potatoes (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


rice, milk, sugar beets, vegetables, eggs, chicken, potatoes, cabbages, sugarcane, pork (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


potatoes, cauliflower, tomatoes; beef, dairy products


tomatoes, milk, chicken, potatoes, cucumbers/gherkins, olives, watermelons, peaches/nectarines, sheep milk, chilies/peppers (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


wheat, milk, potatoes, barley, watermelons, sunflower seeds, cantaloupes/melons, onions, maize, linseed (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


sugarcane, milk, maize, tea, bananas, potatoes, cabbages, camel milk, cassava, mangoes/guavas (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


coconuts, bananas, vegetables, taro, tropical fruits, pork, chicken, nuts, eggs, pork offal (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage

Korea, North

maize, rice, vegetables, apples, cabbages, fruits, sweet potatoes, potatoes, beans, soybeans (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage

Korea, South

rice, vegetables, cabbages, milk, pork, onions, chicken, eggs, tangerines/mandarins, potatoes (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


wheat, corn, berries, potatoes, peppers, fruit; dairy, livestock; fish


tomatoes, dates, cucumbers/gherkins, eggs, milk, chicken, lamb/mutton, vegetables, potatoes, eggplants (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


milk, potatoes, maize, wheat, barley, sugar beets, tomatoes, onions, watermelons, carrots/turnips (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


cassava, root vegetables, rice, sugarcane, vegetables, bananas, maize, rubber, coffee, watermelons (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


wheat, milk, rapeseed, barley, oats, potatoes, rye, beans, peas, pork (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


potatoes, milk, tomatoes, apples, oranges, olives, cucumbers/gherkins, chicken, lemons/limes, wheat (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


milk, potatoes, maize, vegetables, fruits, beans, wheat, game meat, sorghum, wool (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


cassava, rice, sugarcane, oil palm fruit, bananas, rubber, vegetables, plantains, taro, maize (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


potatoes, watermelons, tomatoes, onions, dates, milk, olives, chicken, wheat, vegetables (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


wheat, barley, corn, potatoes; livestock, dairy products


wheat, milk, rapeseed, sugar beets, barley, potatoes, beans, triticale, oats, peas (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


milk, wheat, barley, triticale, potatoes, pork, grapes, beef, oats, rapeseed (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


pork, chicken, beef, eggs, pork offal, pork fat, pepper, beef offal, cattle hides, goose meat (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


rice, sugarcane, cassava, sweet potatoes, milk, bananas, vegetables, mangoes/guavas, tropical fruits, potatoes (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


sweet potatoes, cassava, maize, sugarcane, mangoes/guavas, potatoes, tomatoes, pigeon peas, bananas, pumpkins/squash (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


oil palm fruit, rice, chicken, eggs, coconuts, tropical fruits, vegetables, rubber, bananas, pineapples (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


fruits, vegetables, nuts, other meats, tomatoes, bananas, maize, pulses, coconuts, papayas (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


maize, rice, millet, sorghum, okra, sugarcane, mangoes/guavas, onions, cotton, bananas (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


milk, tomatoes, onions, potatoes, cauliflower/broccoli, pork, chicken, cabbages, pumpkins/squash, grapes (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage

Marshall Islands

coconuts (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


rice, milk, sorghum, goat milk, sheep milk, lamb/mutton, beef, camel meat, camel milk, dates (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


sugarcane, chicken, pumpkins/squash, eggs, potatoes, tomatoes, bananas, onions, tea, cucumbers/gherkins (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


sugarcane, maize, milk, oranges, sorghum, tomatoes, chicken, wheat, chilies/peppers, lemons/limes (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage

Micronesia, Federated States of

coconuts, cassava, vegetables, sweet potatoes, bananas, pork, plantains, fruits, beef, eggs (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


wheat, maize, sunflower seeds, grapes, sugar beets, apples, milk, potatoes, barley, plums (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage




milk, wheat, potatoes, lamb/mutton, goat milk, beef, goat meat, bison milk, sheep milk, horse meat (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


milk, potatoes, grapes, watermelons, sheep milk, cabbages, oranges, eggs, goat milk, figs (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


cabbages, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, peppers; livestock products


wheat, milk, olives, sugar beets, potatoes, tomatoes, tangerines/mandarins, oranges, apples, onions (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


cassava, sugarcane, maize, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, beans, bananas, onions, rice, coconuts (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


root vegetables, milk, maize, millet, grapes, beef, onions, wheat, fruits, pulses (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


coconuts, tropical fruits, pork, eggs, pork offal, pork fat, chicken, papayas, vegetables, cabbages (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


rice, vegetables, potatoes, sugarcane, maize, wheat, bison milk, milk, mangoes/guavas, fruits (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


milk, sugar beets, potatoes, pork, onions, wheat, chicken, tomatoes, carrots/turnips, goat milk (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage

New Caledonia

coconuts, vegetables, fruits, maize, beef, pork, eggs, yams, bananas, mangoes/guavas (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage

New Zealand

milk, beef, kiwifruit, apples, grapes, lamb/mutton, potatoes, wheat, barley, onions (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


sugarcane, milk, rice, oil palm fruit, maize, plantains, cassava, groundnuts, beans, coffee (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


millet, cowpeas, sorghum, onions, milk, groundnuts, sugarcane, cabbages, cassava, potatoes (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


yams, cassava, maize, oil palm fruit, rice, taro, bananas, vegetables, sorghum, groundnuts (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


taro, coconuts, fruits, sweet potatoes, tropical fruits, yams, vegetables, lemons/limes, bananas, pork (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage

Norfolk Island

Norfolk Island pine seed, Kentia palm seed, cereals, vegetables, fruit; cattle, poultry

North Macedonia

milk, grapes, chilies/peppers, wheat, potatoes, apples, tomatoes, cabbages, maize, barley (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage

Northern Mariana Islands

vegetables and melons, fruits and nuts; ornamental plants; livestock, poultry, eggs; fish and aquaculture products


milk, barley, wheat, potatoes, oats, pork, chicken, beef, eggs, rye (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


dates, tomatoes, milk, sorghum, vegetables, goat milk, cucumbers/gherkins, chilies/peppers, watermelons, cantaloupes/melons (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


sugarcane, bison milk, wheat, milk, rice, maize, potatoes, mangoes/guavas, cotton, onions (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


coconuts, cassava (manioc, tapioca), sweet potatoes; fish, pigs, chickens, eggs, bananas, papaya, breadfruit, calamansi, soursop, Polynesian chestnuts, Polynesian almonds, mangoes, taro, guava, beans, cucumbers, squash/pumpkins (various), eggplant, green onions, kangkong (watercress), cabbages (various), radishes, betel nuts, melons, peppers, noni, okra


sugarcane, bananas, rice, oranges, oil palm fruit, plantains, chicken, milk, pineapples, maize (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage

Papua New Guinea

oil palm fruit, coconuts, bananas, fruits, sweet potatoes, game meat, yams, root vegetables, sugarcane, vegetables (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


sugarcane, maize, soybeans, cassava, rice, wheat, milk, beef, oranges, oil palm fruit (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


sugarcane, potatoes, rice, bananas, milk, chicken, maize, oil palm fruit, cassava, grapes (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


sugarcane, rice, coconuts, maize, bananas, vegetables, tropical fruits, plantains, pineapples, cassava (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage

Pitcairn Islands

honey; wide variety of fruits and vegetables; goats, chickens; fish


milk, sugar beets, wheat, maize, potatoes, triticale, apples, rapeseed, barley, rye (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


milk, tomatoes, grapes, olives, maize, oranges, pork, potatoes, chicken, apples (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage

Puerto Rico

milk, plantains, bananas, chicken, tomatoes, mangoes/guavas, eggs, oranges, pumpkins/squash, papayas (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


tomatoes, dates, chicken, cucumbers/gherkins, camel milk, eggs, sheep milk, goat milk, pumpkins/squash, milk (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


wheat, maize, milk, sunflower seeds, barley, potatoes, rapeseed, grapes, plums, apples (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


wheat, sugar beets, milk, barley, potatoes, sunflower seeds, maize, soybeans, chicken, pork (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


bananas, cassava, sweet potatoes, potatoes, plantains, maize, beans, pumpkins/squash, taro, sorghum (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage

Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha

coffee, corn, potatoes, vegetables; fish, lobster; livestock; timber

Saint Kitts and Nevis

coconuts, tropical fruits, root vegetables, vegetables, eggs, pulses, tomatoes, beef, sweet potatoes, watermelons (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage

Saint Lucia

coconuts, bananas, tropical fruits, fruits, plantains, root vegetables, chicken, vegetables, cassava, pork (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage

Saint Pierre and Miquelon

vegetables; poultry, cattle, sheep, pigs; fish

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

bananas, root vegetables, plantains, vegetables, fruits, coconuts, mangoes/guavas, yams, spices, sweet potatoes (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


coconuts, taro, bananas, tropical fruits, pineapples, mangoes/guavas, papayas, root vegetables, milk, pork (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage

San Marino

wheat, grapes, corn, olives; cattle, pigs, horses, beef, cheese, hides

Sao Tome and Principe

plantains, oil palm fruit, taro, bananas, fruits, cocoa beans, coconuts, yams, cassava, carrots/turnips (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage

Saudi Arabia

milk, dates, chicken, wheat, tomatoes, potatoes, watermelons, olives, eggs, onions (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


groundnuts, watermelons, rice, cassava, sugarcane, millet, maize, onions, sorghum, milk (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


maize, wheat, sugar beets, milk, sunflower seeds, potatoes, plums, apples, barley, soybeans (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


coconuts, vegetables, bananas, eggs, chicken, pork, fruits, tomatoes, tropical fruits, cassava (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage

Sierra Leone

cassava, rice, oil palm fruit, vegetables, sweet potatoes, milk, citrus fruits, groundnuts, fruits, sugarcane (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


chicken, eggs, pork, vegetables, duck, spinach, pork offal, pork fat, cabbages, lettuce (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


wheat, sugar beets, milk, maize, barley, rapeseed, sunflower seeds, potatoes, soybeans, pork (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


milk, maize, wheat, barley, grapes, chicken, potatoes, apples, beef, pork (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage

Solomon Islands

oil palm fruit, coconuts, sweet potatoes, taro, yams, fruits, pulses, vegetables, cocoa beans, cassava (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


camel milk, milk, goat milk, sheep milk, sugarcane, fruits, sorghum, cassava, vegetables, maize (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage

South Africa

sugarcane, maize, milk, potatoes, wheat, grapes, chicken, oranges, apples, soybeans (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage

South Sudan

milk, cassava, sorghum, goat milk, vegetables, fruits, maize, groundnuts, sesame seeds, beef (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


milk, barley, wheat, grapes, pork, olives, tomatoes, maize, oranges, sugar beets (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage

Sri Lanka

rice, coconuts, plantains, tea, sugarcane, milk, cassava, fiber crops, maize, chicken (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


sorghum, sugarcane, milk, groundnuts, millet, onions, sesame seeds, goat milk, bananas, mangoes/guavas (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


rice, sugarcane, oranges, chicken, plantains, vegetables, bananas, coconuts, cassava, eggs (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


wheat, milk, sugar beets, barley, potatoes, oats, rapeseed, pork, chicken, triticale (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


milk, sugar beets, wheat, potatoes, pork, apples, barley, beef, grapes, maize (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


wheat, milk, olives, sheep milk, tomatoes, potatoes, maize, watermelons, apples, oranges (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


rice, vegetables, pork, chicken, cabbages, sugarcane, milk, eggs, tropical fruits, pineapples (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


milk, potatoes, wheat, watermelons, onions, cotton, tomatoes, carrots/turnips, vegetables, beef (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


cassava, maize, sweet potatoes, sugarcane, bananas, milk, rice, vegetables, beans, sunflower seeds (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


sugarcane, rice, cassava, oil palm fruit, maize, rubber, tropical fruits, chicken, pineapples, fruits (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


maize, rice, coconuts, root vegetables, vegetables, cassava, other meats, coffee, beans, pork (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


cassava, yams, maize, oil palm fruit, sorghum, soybeans, beans, rice, vegetables, cotton (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


coconuts, root vegetables, tropical fruits, pork, bananas, eggs, chicken, pork offal, pork fat, fruits (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


coconuts, pumpkins/squash, cassava, sweet potatoes, vegetables, yams, taro, root vegetables, plantains, lemons/limes (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage

Trinidad and Tobago

chicken, fruits, coconuts, citrus fruits, plantains, maize, eggs, oranges, tomatoes, bananas (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


milk, olives, tomatoes, wheat, barley, watermelons, chilies/peppers, potatoes, dates, oranges (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage

Turkey (Turkiye)

milk, wheat, sugar beets, tomatoes, barley, maize, potatoes, apples, grapes, watermelons (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


milk, cotton, wheat, potatoes, watermelons, tomatoes, grapes, beef, sugar beets, lamb/mutton (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage

Turks and Caicos Islands

corn, beans, cassava (manioc, tapioca), citrus fruits; fish


coconuts, vegetables, tropical fruits, bananas, root vegetables, pork, chicken, eggs, pork fat, pork offal (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


plantains, sugarcane, maize, cassava, milk, sweet potatoes, beans, vegetables, rice, coffee (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


maize, potatoes, wheat, sunflower seeds, sugar beets, milk, barley, soybeans, rapeseed, cabbages (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage

United Arab Emirates

dates, cucumbers/gherkins, camel milk, goat milk, tomatoes, eggs, goat meat, milk, chicken, camel meat (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage

United Kingdom

milk, wheat, barley, sugar beets, potatoes, chicken, rapeseed, oats, pork, beef (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage

United States

maize, soybeans, milk, wheat, sugarcane, sugar beets, chicken, potatoes, beef, pork (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


milk, rice, wheat, barley, soybeans, beef, rapeseed, sugarcane, maize, oranges (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


milk, wheat, carrots/turnips, cotton, potatoes, tomatoes, grapes, vegetables, watermelons, apples (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


coconuts, root vegetables, bananas, vegetables, fruits, pork, groundnuts, milk, beef, tropical fruits (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


milk, sugarcane, maize, plantains, oil palm fruit, bananas, rice, potatoes, pineapples, chicken (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


rice, vegetables, sugarcane, cassava, maize, pork, fruits, bananas, coffee, coconuts (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage

Virgin Islands

fruit, vegetables, sorghum; Senepol cattle

Wallis and Futuna

coconuts, breadfruit, yams, taro, bananas; pigs, goats; fish

West Bank

tomatoes, cucumbers, olives, poultry, milk, potatoes, sheep milk, eggplants, gourds


the whole range of agricultural products

top ten agricultural products by global production tonnage: sugarcane, maize, wheat, rice, milk, oil palm fruit, potatoes, soybeans, cassava, vegetables (2022)


mangoes/guavas, potatoes, onions, milk, sorghum, spices, watermelons, chicken, tomatoes, grapes (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


sugarcane, cassava, maize, milk, soybeans, vegetables, wheat, groundnuts, beef, sweet potatoes (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage


sugarcane, maize, beef, milk, cassava, wheat, bananas, vegetables, tobacco, cotton (2022)

note: top ten agricultural products based on tonnage