Country Data Codes
GEOPOLITICAL ENTITIES, NAMES, and CODES (GENC): The Geopolitical Entities, Names, and Codes (GENC) Standard is the US Government-approved profile of names of countries and country subdivisions. Based on ISO 3166 Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions, it specifies an authoritative set of country codes and names for use by the Federal Government for information exchange. GENC uses ISO 3166 (Parts 1 and 2) names and code elements wherever possible, with modifications only where necessary to comply with US law and US Government recognition policy. This profile addresses unique US Government requirements for: restrictions in recognition of the national sovereignty of a country; identification and recognition of geopolitical entities not included in ISO 3166; and the use of names of countries and country subdivisions that have been approved by the US Board on Geographic Names.Â
ISO 3166: Codes for the Representation of Names of Countries (ISO 3166) is prepared by the International Organization for Standardization. ISO 3166 includes two- and three-character alphabetic codes and three-digit numeric codes that may be needed for activities involving exchange of data with international organizations that have adopted that standard. Except for the numeric codes, ISO 3166 codes have been adopted in the US as FIPS 104-1: American National Standard Codes for the Representation of Names of Countries, Dependencies, and Areas of Special Sovereignty for Information Interchange.
STANAG 1059: Letter Codes for Geographical Entities (8th edition, 2004) is a Standardization Agreement (STANAG) established and maintained by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO/OTAN) for the purpose of providing a common set of geo-spatial identifiers for countries, territories, and possessions. The 8th edition established trigraph codes for each country based upon the ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 character sets. These codes are used throughout NATO.
Internet: The Internet country code is the two-letter digraph maintained by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in the ISO 3166 Alpha-2 list and used by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) to establish country-coded top-level domains (ccTLDs).
Name | GENC | ISO 3166 | Stanag | Internet | Comment |
Afghanistan | AFG | AF|AFG|004 | AFG | .af | |
Akrotiri | XQZ | - | - | - | |
Albania | ALB | AL|ALB|008 | ALB | .al | |
Algeria | DZA | DZ|DZA|012 | DZA | .dz | |
American Samoa | ASM | AS|ASM|016 | ASM | .as | |
Andorra | AND | AD|AND|020 | AND | .ad | |
Angola | AGO | AO|AGO|024 | AGO | .ao | |
Anguilla | AIA | AI|AIA|660 | AIA | .ai | |
Antarctica | ATA | AQ|ATA|010 | ATA | .aq | ISO defines as the territory south of 60 degrees south latitude |
Antigua and Barbuda | ATG | AG|ATG|028 | ATG | .ag | |
Argentina | ARG | AR|ARG|032 | ARG | .ar | |
Armenia | ARM | AM|ARM|051 | ARM | .am | |
Aruba | ABW | AW|ABW|533 | ABW | .aw | |
Ashmore and Cartier Islands | XAC | - | AUS | - | ISO includes with Australia |
Australia | AUS | AU|AUS|036 | AUS | .au | ISO includes Ashmore and Cartier Islands, Coral Sea Islands |
Austria | AUT | AT|AUT|040 | AUT | .at | |
Azerbaijan | AZE | AZ|AZE|031 | AZE | .az | |
Bahamas, The | BHS | BS|BHS|044 | BHS | .bs | |
Bahrain | BHR | BH|BHR|048 | BHR | .bh | |
Baker Island | XBK | - | UMI | - | ISO includes with the US Minor Outlying Islands |
Bangladesh | BGD | BD|BGD|050 | BGD | .bd | |
Barbados | BRB | BB|BRB|052 | BRB | .bb | |
Bassas da India | XBI | - | - | - | administered as part of French Southern and Antarctic Lands; no ISO codes assigned |
Belarus | BLR | BY|BLR|112 | BLR | .by | |
Belgium | BEL | BE|BEL|056 | BEL | .be | |
Belize | BLZ | BZ|BLZ|084 | BLZ | .bz | |
Benin | BEN | BJ|BEN|204 | BEN | .bj | |
Bermuda | BMU | BM|BMU|060 | BMU | .bm | |
Bhutan | BTN | BT|BTN|064 | BTN | .bt | |
Bolivia | BOL | BO|BOL|068 | BOL | .bo | |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | BIH | BA|BIH|070 | BIH | .ba | |
Botswana | BWA | BW|BWA|072 | BWA | .bw | |
Bouvet Island | BVT | BV|BVT|074 | BVT | .bv | |
Brazil | BRA | BR|BRA|076 | BRA | .br | |
British Indian Ocean Territory | IOT | IO|IOT|086 | IOT | .io | |
British Virgin Islands | VGB | VG|VGB|092 | VGB | .vg | |
Brunei | BRN | BN|BRN|096 | BRN | .bn | |
Bulgaria | BGR | BG|BGR|100 | BGR | .bg | |
Burkina Faso | BFA | BF|BFA|854 | BFA | .bf | |
Burma | MMR | MM|MMR|104 | MMR | .mm | ISO uses the name Myanmar |
Burundi | BDI | BI|BDI|108 | BDI | .bi | |
Cabo Verde | CPV | CV|CPV|132 | CPV | .cv | |
Cambodia | KHM | KH|KHM|116 | KHM | .kh | |
Cameroon | CMR | CM|CMR|120 | CMR | .cm | |
Canada | CAN | CA|CAN|124 | CAN | .ca | |
Cayman Islands | CYM | KY|CYM|136 | CYM | .ky | |
Central African Republic | CAF | CF|CAF|140 | CAF | .cf | |
Chad | TCD | TD|TCD|148 | TCD | .td | |
Chile | CHL | CL|CHL|152 | CHL | .cl | |
China | CHN | CN|CHN|156 | CHN | .cn | see also Taiwan |
Christmas Island | CXR | CX|CXR|162 | CXR | .cx | |
Clipperton Island | CPT | - | FYP | - | ISO includes with France |
Cocos (Keeling) Islands | CCK | CC|CCK|166 | AUS | .cc | |
Colombia | COL | CO|COL|170 | COL | .co | |
Comoros | COM | KM|COM|174 | COM | .km | |
Congo, Democratic Republic of the | COD | CD|COD|180 | COD | .cd | formerly Zaire |
Congo, Republic of the | COG | CG|COG|178 | COG | .cg | |
Cook Islands | COK | CK|COK|184 | COK | .ck | |
Coral Sea Islands | XCS | - | AUS | - | ISO includes with Australia |
Costa Rica | CRI | CR|CRI|188 | CRI | .cr | |
Cote d'Ivoire | CIV | CI|CIV|384 | CIV | .ci | |
Croatia | HRV | HR|HRV|191 | HRV | .hr | |
Cuba | CUB | CU|CUB|192 | CUB | .cu | |
Curacao | CUW | CW|CUW|531 | - | .cw | |
Cyprus | CYP | CY|CYP|196 | CYP | .cy | |
Czechia | CZE | CZ|CZE|203 | CZE | .cz | |
Denmark | DNK | DK|DNK|208 | DNK | .dk | |
Dhekelia | XXD | - | - | - | |
Djibouti | DJI | DJ|DJI|262 | DJI | .dj | |
Dominica | DMA | DM|DMA|212 | DMA | .dm | |
Dominican Republic | DOM | DO|DOM|214 | DOM | .do | |
Ecuador | ECU | EC|ECU|218 | ECU | .ec | |
Egypt | EGY | EG|EGY|818 | EGY | .eg | |
El Salvador | SLV | SV|SLV|222 | SLV | .sv | |
Equatorial Guinea | GNQ | GQ|GNQ|226 | GNQ | .gq | |
Eritrea | ERI | ER|ERI|232 | ERI | .er | |
Estonia | EST | EE|EST|233 | EST | .ee | |
Eswatini | SWZ | SZ|SWZ|748 | SWZ | .sz | |
Ethiopia | ETH | ET|ETH|231 | ETH | .et | |
Europa Island | XEU | - | - | - | administered as part of French Southern and Antarctic Lands; no ISO codes assigned |
Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) | FLK | FK|FLK|238 | FLK | .fk | |
Faroe Islands | FRO | FO|FRO|234 | FRO | .fo | |
Fiji | FJI | FJ|FJI|242 | FJI | .fj | |
Finland | FIN | FI|FIN|246 | FIN | .fi | |
France | FRA | FR|FRA|250 | FRA | .fr | ISO includes metropolitan France along with the dependencies of Clipperton Island, French Guiana, French Polynesia, French Southern and Antarctic Lands, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Mayotte, New Caledonia, Reunion, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Wallis and Futuna |
France, Metropolitan | - | FX|FXX|249 | - | .fx | ISO limits to the European part of France |
French Guiana | GUF | GF|GUF|254 | GUF | .gf | |
French Polynesia | PYF | PF|PYF|258 | PYF | .pf | |
French Southern and Antarctic Lands | ATF | TF|ATF|260 | ATF | .tf | GENC does not include the French-claimed portion of Antarctica (Terre Adelie) |
Gabon | GAB | GA|GAB|266 | GAB | .ga | |
Gambia, The | GMB | GM|GMB|270 | GMB | .gm | |
Gaza Strip | XGZ | PS|PSE|275 | PSE | .ps | ISO identifies as Occupied Palestinian Territory |
Georgia | GEO | GE|GEO|268 | GEO | .ge | |
Germany | DEU | DE|DEU|276 | DEU | .de | |
Ghana | GHA | GH|GHA|288 | GHA | .gh | |
Gibraltar | GIB | GI|GIB|292 | GIB | .gi | |
Glorioso Islands | XGL | - | - | - | administered as part of French Southern and Antarctic Lands; no ISO codes assigned |
Greece | GRC | GR|GRC|300 | GRC | .gr | For its internal communications, the European Union recommends the use of the code EL in lieu of the ISO 3166-2 code of GR |
Greenland | GRL | GL|GRL|304 | GRL | .gl | |
Grenada | GRD | GD|GRD|308 | GRD | .gd | |
Guadeloupe | GLP | GP|GLP|312 | GLP | .gp | |
Guam | GUM | GU|GUM|316 | GUM | .gu | |
Guatemala | GTM | GT|GTM|320 | GTM | .gt | |
Guernsey | GGY | GG|GGY|831 | UK | .gg | |
Guinea | GIN | GN|GIN|324 | GIN | .gn | |
Guinea-Bissau | GNB | GW|GNB|624 | GNB | .gw | |
Guyana | GUY | GY|GUY|328 | GUY | .gy | |
Haiti | HTI | HT|HTI|332 | HTI | .ht | |
Heard Island and McDonald Islands | HMD | HM|HMD|334 | HMD | .hm | |
Holy See (Vatican City) | VAT | VA|VAT|336 | VAT | .va | |
Honduras | HND | HN|HND|340 | HND | .hn | |
Hong Kong | HKG | HK|HKG|344 | HKG | .hk | |
Howland Island | XHO | - | UMI | - | ISO includes with the US Minor Outlying Islands |
Hungary | HUN | HU|HUN|348 | HUN | .hu | |
Iceland | ISL | IS|ISL|352 | ISL | .is | |
India | IND | IN|IND|356 | IND | .in | |
Indonesia | IDN | ID|IDN|360 | IDN | .id | |
Iran | IRN | IR|IRN|364 | IRN | .ir | |
Iraq | IRQ | IQ|IRQ|368 | IRQ | .iq | |
Ireland | IRL | IE|IRL|372 | IRL | .ie | |
Isle of Man | IMN | IM|IMN|833 | UK | .im | |
Israel | ISR | IL|ISR|376 | ISR | .il | |
Italy | ITA | IT|ITA|380 | ITA | .it | |
Jamaica | JAM | JM|JAM|388 | JAM | .jm | |
Jan Mayen | XJM | - | SJM | - | ISO includes with Svalbard |
Japan | JPN | JP|JPN|392 | JPN | .jp | |
Jarvis Island | XJV | - | UMI | - | ISO includes with the US Minor Outlying Islands |
Jersey | JEY | JE|JEY|832 | UK | .je | |
Johnston Atoll | XJA | - | UMI | - | ISO includes with the US Minor Outlying Islands |
Jordan | JOR | JO|JOR|400 | JOR | .jo | |
Juan de Nova Island | XJN | - | - | - | administered as part of French Southern and Antarctic Lands; no ISO codes assigned |
Kazakhstan | KAZ | KZ|KAZ|398 | KAZ | .kz | |
Kenya | KEN | KE|KEN|404 | KEN | .ke | |
Kingman Reef | XKR | - | UMI | - | ISO includes with the US Minor Outlying Islands |
Kiribati | KIR | KI|KIR|296 | KIR | .ki | |
Korea, North | PRK | KP|PRK|408 | PRK | .kp | |
Korea, South | KOR | KR|KOR|410 | KOR | .kr | |
Kosovo | XKS | XK|XKS| | - | - | XK and XKS are ISO 3166 user assigned codes; ISO 3166 Maintenace Authority has not assigned codes |
Kuwait | KWT | KW|KWT|414 | KWT | .kw | |
Kyrgyzstan | KGZ | KG|KGZ|417 | KGZ | .kg | |
Laos | LAO | LA|LAO|418 | LAO | .la | |
Latvia | LVA | LV|LVA|428 | LVA | .lv | |
Lebanon | LBN | LB|LBN|422 | LBN | .lb | |
Lesotho | LSO | LS|LSO|426 | LSO | .ls | |
Liberia | LBR | LR|LBR|430 | LBR | .lr | |
Libya | LBY | LY|LBY|434 | LBY | .ly | |
Liechtenstein | LIE | LI|LIE|438 | LIE | .li | |
Lithuania | LTU | LT|LTU|440 | LTU | .lt | |
Luxembourg | LUX | LU|LUX|442 | LUX | .lu | |
Macau | MAC | MO|MAC|446 | MAC | .mo | |
Madagascar | MDG | MG|MDG|450 | MDG | .mg | |
Malawi | MWI | MW|MWI|454 | MWI | .mw | |
Malaysia | MYS | MY|MYS|458 | MYS | .my | |
Maldives | MDV | MV|MDV|462 | MDV | .mv | |
Mali | MLI | ML|MLI|466 | MLI | .ml | |
Malta | MLT | MT|MLT|470 | MLT | .mt | |
Marshall Islands | MHL | MH|MHL|584 | MHL | .mh | |
Martinique | MTQ | MQ|MTQ|474 | MTQ | .mq | |
Mauritania | MRT | MR|MRT|478 | MRT | .mr | |
Mauritius | MUS | MU|MUS|480 | MUS | .mu | |
Mayotte | MYT | YT|MYT|175 | FRA | .yt | |
Mexico | MEX | MX|MEX|484 | MEX | .mx | |
Micronesia, Federated States of | FSM | FM|FSM|583 | FSM | .fm | |
Midway Islands | XMW | - | UMI | - | ISO includes with the US Minor Outlying Islands |
Moldova | MDA | MD|MDA|498 | MDA | .md | |
Monaco | MCO | MC|MCO|492 | MCO | .mc | |
Mongolia | MNG | MN|MNG|496 | MNG | .mn | |
Montenegro | MNE | ME|MNE|499 | MNE | .me | |
Montserrat | MSR | MS|MSR|500 | MSR | .ms | |
Morocco | MAR | MA|MAR|504 | MAR | .ma | |
Mozambique | MOZ | MZ|MOZ|508 | MOZ | .mz | |
Myanmar | - | - | - | - | see Burma |
Namibia | NAM | NA|NAM|516 | NAM | .na | |
Nauru | NRU | NR|NRU|520 | NRU | .nr | |
Navassa Island | XNV | - | UMI | - | ISO includes with the US Minor Outlying Islands |
Nepal | NPL | NP|NPL|524 | NPL | .np | |
Netherlands | NLD | NL|NLD|528 | NLD | .nl | |
New Caledonia | NCL | NC|NCL|540 | NCL | .nc | |
New Zealand | NZL | NZ|NZL|554 | NZL | .nz | |
Nicaragua | NIC | NI|NIC|558 | NIC | .ni | |
Niger | NER | NE|NER|562 | NER | .ne | |
Nigeria | NGA | NG|NGA|566 | NGA | .ng | |
Niue | NIU | NU|NIU|570 | NIU | .nu | |
Norfolk Island | NFK | NF|NFK|574 | NFK | .nf | |
North Macedonia | MKD | MK|MKD|807 | FYR | .mk | |
Northern Mariana Islands | MNP | MP|MNP|580 | MNP | .mp | |
Norway | NOR | NO|NOR|578 | NOR | .no | |
Oman | OMN | OM|OMN|512 | OMN | .om | |
Pakistan | PAK | PK|PAK|586 | PAK | .pk | |
Palau | PLW | PW|PLW|585 | PLW | .pw | |
Palmyra Atoll | XPL | - | UMI | - | ISO includes with the US Minor Outlying Islands |
Panama | PAN | PA|PAN|591 | PAN | .pa | |
Papua New Guinea | PNG | PG|PNG|598 | PNG | .pg | |
Paracel Islands | XPR | - | - | - | |
Paraguay | PRY | PY|PRY|600 | PRY | .py | |
Peru | PER | PE|PER|604 | PER | .pe | |
Philippines | PHL | PH|PHL|608 | PHL | .ph | |
Pitcairn Islands | PCN | PN|PCN|612 | PCN | .pn | |
Poland | POL | PL|POL|616 | POL | .pl | |
Portugal | PRT | PT|PRT|620 | PRT | .pt | |
Puerto Rico | PRI | PR|PRI|630 | PRI | .pr | |
Qatar | QAT | QA|QAT|634 | QAT | .qa | |
Reunion | REU | RE|REU|638 | REU | .re | |
Romania | ROU | RO|ROU|642 | ROU | .ro | |
Russia | RUS | RU|RUS|643 | RUS | .ru | |
Rwanda | RWA | RW|RWA|646 | RWA | .rw | |
Saint Barthelemy | BLM | BL|BLM|652 | - | .bl | ccTLD .fr and .gp may also be used |
Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha | SHN | SH|SHN|654 | SHN | .sh | includes Saint Helena Island, Ascension Island, and the Tristan da Cunha archipelago |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | KNA | KN|KNA|659 | KNA | .kn | |
Saint Lucia | LCA | LC|LCA|662 | LCA | .lc | |
Saint Martin | MAF | MF|MAF|663 | - | .mf | ccTLD .fr and .gp may also be used |
Saint Pierre and Miquelon | SPM | PM|SPM|666 | SPM | .pm | |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | VCT | VC|VCT|670 | VCT | .vc | |
Samoa | WSM | WS|WSM|882 | WSM | .ws | |
San Marino | SMR | SM|SMR|674 | SMR | .sm | |
Sao Tome and Principe | STP | ST|STP|678 | STP | .st | |
Saudi Arabia | SAU | SA|SAU|682 | SAU | .sa | |
Senegal | SEN | SN|SEN|686 | SEN | .sn | |
Serbia | SRB | RS|SRB|688 | - | .rs | |
Seychelles | SYC | SC|SYC|690 | SYC | .sc | |
Sierra Leone | SLE | SL|SLE|694 | SLE | .sl | |
Singapore | SGP | SG|SGP|702 | SGP | .sg | |
Sint Maarten | SXM | SX|SXM|534 | - | .sx | |
Slovakia | SVK | SK|SVK|703 | SVK | .sk | |
Slovenia | SVN | SI|SVN|705 | SVN | .si | |
Solomon Islands | SLB | SB|SLB|090 | SLB | .sb | |
Somalia | SOM | SO|SOM|706 | SOM | .so | |
South Africa | ZAF | ZA|ZAF|710 | ZAF | .za | |
South Georgia and the Islands | SGS | GS|SGS|239 | SGS | .gs | |
South Sudan | SSD | SS|SSD|728 | - | - | IANA has designated .ss as the ccTLD for South Sudan, however it has not been activated in DNS root zone |
Spain | ESP | ES|ESP|724 | ESP | .es | |
Spratly Islands | XSP | - | - | - | |
Sri Lanka | LKA | LK|LKA|144 | LKA | .lk | |
Sudan | SDN | SD|SDN|729 | SDN | .sd | |
Suriname | SUR | SR|SUR|740 | SUR | .sr | |
Svalbard | XSV | SJ|SJM|744 | SJM | .sj | ISO includes Jan Mayen |
Sweden | SWE | SE|SWE|752 | SWE | .se | |
Switzerland | CHE | CH|CHE|756 | CHE | .ch | |
Syria | SYR | SY|SYR|760 | SYR | .sy | |
Taiwan | TWN | TW|TWN|158 | TWN | .tw | |
Tajikistan | TJK | TJ|TJK|762 | TJK | .tj | |
Tanzania | TZA | TZ|TZA|834 | TZA | .tz | |
Thailand | THA | TH|THA|764 | THA | .th | |
Timor-Leste | TLS | TL|TLS|626 | TLS | .tl | |
Togo | TGO | TG|TGO|768 | TGO | .tg | |
Tokelau | TKL | TK|TKL|772 | TKL | .tk | |
Tonga | TON | TO|TON|776 | TON | .to | |
Trinidad and Tobago | TTO | TT|TTO|780 | TTO | .tt | |
Tromelin Island | XTR | - | - | - | administered as part of French Southern and Antarctic Lands; no ISO codes assigned |
Tunisia | TUN | TN|TUN|788 | TUN | .tn | |
Turkey (Turkiye) | TUR | TR|TUR|792 | TUR | .tr | |
Turkmenistan | TKM | TM|TKM|795 | TKM | .tm | |
Turks and Caicos Islands | TCA | TC|TCA|796 | TCA | .tc | |
Tuvalu | TUV | TV|TUV|798 | TUV | .tv | |
Uganda | UGA | UG|UGA|800 | UGA | .ug | |
Ukraine | UKR | UA|UKR|804 | UKR | .ua | |
United Arab Emirates | ARE | AE|ARE|784 | ARE | .ae | |
United Kingdom | GBR | GB|GBR|826 | GBR | .uk | for its internal communications, the European Union recommends the use of the code UK in lieu of the ISO 3166-2 code of GB |
United States | USA | US|USA|840 | USA | .us | |
United States Minor Outlying Islands | - | UM|UMI|581 | - | .um | ISO includes Baker Island, Howland Island, Jarvis Island, Johnston Atoll, Kingman Reef, Midway Islands, Navassa Island, Palmyra Atoll, Wake Island |
Uruguay | URY | UY|URY|858 | URY | .uy | |
Uzbekistan | UZB | UZ|UZB|860 | UZB | .uz | |
Vanuatu | VUT | VU|VUT|548 | VUT | .vu | |
Venezuela | VEN | VE|VEN|862 | VEN | .ve | |
Vietnam | VNM | VN|VNM|704 | VNM | .vn | |
Virgin Islands | VIR | VI|VIR|850 | VIR | .vi | |
Virgin Islands (UK) | - | - | - | .vg | see British Virgin Islands |
Virgin Islands (US) | - | - | - | .vi | see Virgin Islands |
Wake Island | XWK | - | UMI | - | ISO includes with the US Minor Outlying Islands |
Wallis and Futuna | WLF | WF|WLF|876 | WLF | .wf | |
West Bank | XWB | PS|PSE|275 | PSE | .ps | ISO identifies as Occupied Palestinian Territory |
Western Sahara | WI | EH|ESH|732 | ESH | .eh | |
Western Samoa | - | - | - | .ws | see Samoa |
World | - | - | - | - | the Factbook uses the W data code from DIAM 65-18 Geopolitical Data Elements and Related Features, Data Standard No. 3, December 1994, published by the Defense Intelligence Agency |
Yemen | YEM | YE|YEM|887 | YEM | .ye | |
Zaire | - | - | - | - | see Democratic Republic of the Congo |
Zambia | ZMB | ZM|ZMB|894 | ZMB | .zm | |
Zimbabwe | ZWE | ZW|ZWE|716 | ZWE | .zw |